Friday, April 17, 2009

Starting Seeds

Well here we go on our new gardening adventure. I'm a little scared that maybe I'll actually be successful and then I'll have to actually take care of the garden all summer! LOL 

Yesterday my youngest son and I sat down and planted some tomatoes, radishes, cucumbers, carrots, green beans and marigolds. We used the little peat pots that we bought at WalMart and it's now sitting in the front window.

We planted an even amount, 8 peat pots for each type of seed. We used craft sticks and a black marker to identify what is planted where. See how the marigolds and tomato markers have a 1 and a 2? Since I bought two types of each of these, I marked the seed packet with the corresponding number on the marker so that I would know which type of tomato and which type of marigold were in each one. 

In order for the lid to fit we had to lay the markers down, but once they sprout and we can remove the lid, we will stand them up again.

I was a good girl and I saved all the seed packets, we didn't use all of the seeds anyway. I'll make sure I pay attention to all the recommendations on the packets, but for now we just wait.

I am totally open to advice from experienced gardeners, so please feel free to comment away! :) 

I think this year I may make some more garden markers. I made these Country Plant Pokes years ago and might just do it again!

1 comment:

Bird Stalker Photography said...

good luck on the seeds, I really want to start a garden just haven't set aside the time to sit down and get it done!